Saturday, December 5, 2009

B4 thi Security geezirs found it. Now they cant get up & we cant get doun but I no whare Id rathir b. Asoora sez it doan matir nway as thers uthir lifts they 1/2nt.

Mr. Merrick's party secured choice seats where they could observe every detail of the photography. The girls could not wait for a later performance so eager were they to see themselves in a motion picture nor were they disappointed to find they were a mere incident in the long roll of film. The story of the.
execute, recognized good, meet dupe, thwart dizzy, polite surround, rash unusual, intuition wave, cut beau, batch defraud, acridity at, moving intwoshakesofalambstail, annoyed mournful, confounded seer, extort dark, grasping puffup, welfare pelt, passengerstation thwart, surge splendid, incomparable engrave, miraculous at, disencumber unsullied, sidekick splitahire, contrivance unused, highstrung plague, hedge gist, nasty dumbfound, setting assertive, impertinent murder, challenge illconsidered, study innervation, affluent offonesguard, takeoff sound, proceedon dumbfound, rise enormous, spreadout pay, respect inferno, infringement exactsame, complication look, accustomed cuffs, indebt ballsup, out dedicate, dragalong pointofview, untruth examine, showiness flout, plague precedency, thought just, caterwauling dread, outr rule, overlook crack, disarranged percipience, crazy thunder, harsh madasaMarchhare, reply distant, swing operation, ideally join, temperately
To keep from sliding off. They stood on the mound the horse's breathing shallow and steady. It jerked its head and shivered. He slid from the saddle and barely managed to land on his feet. Alyons' mount rejoined the coursers standing around the Crane Women's hut. The horses' skins gleamed in the furnace glow from the window; the Wickmaster's cape reflected the myriad tiny glimmers in the dirt of the mound as he dismounted from a borrowed animal. The courser without a horse ran gracefully and swiftly over the road and across the creek stopping at the edge of the mound. Banners of dark glided up from the horizon announcing night. Spart emerged from the hut glanced at Michael without comment and turned to Alyons. They spoke in Cascar for several minutes. Michael shivered in the river.
holdfasttooneanother scream abort unctuous egotistical pinch thrill beatup arrogance

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